Bee happy token

(1 customer review)


Bee happy token a mindfullness reminder

5 in stock (can be backordered)


As seen on Unmasked Mental Health


Thank you Garry Hume & Celtic Pyro for making these and for also donating £1 to unmasked for every Bee Happy token sold.


To get your own Bee Happy token follow the link below 👇

Posted by Unmasked Mental Health on Thursday, 20 August 2020

Here is a discrete mindfulness bee token that measures approximately 1 cm in diameter.

This is the ideal size to fit into a pocket, a purse or a wallet.

The bee reminds you to bee happy.

The semicolon acknowledges and reminds you that YOUR life isn’t over, that YOUR story isn’t yet complete.

YOU have a lot to offer, people appreciate YOU.

YOU are awesome, YOU make a difference, YOUR life is a gift and beautiful.

I battle with mental illness and have done from a very early age.

My token helps me to remember to bee happy.

The token is made from wood. As a result, if you were to sadly drop it there wouldn’t be an environmental impact.

Being natural, it reminds you of earthy things. It will help you to bring yourself back to the here and now, to be mindful, to be kind to yourself, and to help you if you are feeling a trigger, feeling anxious.

Finally as it is wooden it would be IDEAL to have a scent on it, to bring you back to earth as a result. For health and safety I won’t be providing any scent, but you could purchase separately essential oils to drop onto the token. For example lavender, citrus, pine, vanilla, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, honeysuckle, jasmine.

With every sale, £1.00 will go to the charity Unmasked Mental Health.

Thank you for reading.

Bright blessings.

Additional information


the token can be changed to a charm to hand on a handbag, keychain, etc.

1 review for Bee happy token

  1. Charles

    I purchased one of Garry’s Bee Happy tokens earlier this month, and I love the amount of skill and craftsmanship that has gone into!

    Garry’s communication throughout the process was excellent and the item arrived on time and well packaged.

    Thinking of buying additional ones for my family, they’ll make great gifts! 🙂

    Would recommend.

    • Charles Middleton

      Charles. Thank you for your comment. I’m happy that you like your purchase and I look forward to hearing from you in the future!

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