bee happy token

Bee Happy Token

• Bee HAPPY TOKEN • Thank you Garry Hume & Celtic Pyro for making these and for also donating £1 to unmasked for every Bee Happy token sold. WE LOVE IT! To get your own Bee Happy token follow the link below 👇 Posted by Unmasked Mental Health on Thursday, 20 August 2020

What is the purpose of the Bee Happy Token?

I have battled with anxiety and depression since a young age after the tragic death of my father.

The idea of the bee happy token came through speaking to a therapist.

“Why don’t you create a small token that can be put into a pocket, purse, wallet.” and the rest is history.

The bee reminds you to bee happy; the semicolon acknowledges and reminds you that your life isn’t over, that your story isn’t yet complete. You have a lot to offer, people appreciate you. You are awesome, you make a difference, your life is a gift and beautiful.

The token is made from wood. Thus, if you were to sadly drop it there wouldn’t be an environmental impact. Being natural, it reminds you of earthy things. It will help you to bring yourself back to the here and now, to be mindful, to be kind to yourself, and to help you if you are feeling a trigger, feeling anxious.

Finally, as it is wooden it would be IDEAL to have a scent on it, to bring you back to earth. For health and safety I won’t can’t providing any scent, but you can purchase these essential oils through an alternate source, to drop onto the token. For example lavender, citrus, pine, vanilla, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, honeysuckle, jasmine.

As well as the small token I’ve mentioned, these are available too as keyrings, charms to go onto a charm bracelet, charms to go onto handbags/purses. I can make pin badges too, the design will just be slightly different in that the semicolon will be on the face of the token (not the reverse).

With every sale, £1.00 will go to Unmasked Mental Health

To buy / see more information click on the relevant picture below.

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